Hey! I'm a CSE undergraduate at BUET, and I absolutely love building stuff. Whether it's a website, a game, or any kind of application, I'm all in. Alongside my three years of experience in full-stack development, I'm deeply passionate about problem-solving and competitive programming. I enjoy tackling challenging problems and refining my skills to become a better coder every day. Currently, I'm also diving into the world of DevOps, eager to streamline deployment processes and optimize project workflows. Let's work together and make awesome things happen!
MapEval dataset has reached 1100+ downloads on Hugging Face. MapEval-Visual alone has 850+ downloads.
Thanks to all the viewers for reaching 100 hours of watch time on my youtube channel.
Thanks to all the viewers for reaching 50 subscribers on my youtube channel.
My research works have been read 100 times on ResearchGate.
Our submission "DFCon: Attention-Driven Supervised Contrastive Learning for Robust Deepfake Detection" was selected among the top 3 finalists in IEEE SPS Signal Processing Cup at ICASSP 2025. We will be presenting our work in ICASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India.
MapEval: A Map-Based Evaluation of Geo-Spatial Reasoning in Foundation Models
MapQaTor: A System for Efficient Annotation of Map Query Datasets
Challenge: Deepfake Face Detection In The Wild
Team: Straw Hats
Members: MD Sadik Hossain Shanto, Mahir Labib Dihan, Souvik Ghosh, Riad Ahmed Anonto, Hafijul Hoque Chowdhury, Abir Muhtasim, Rakib Ahsan, MD Tanvir Hassan, MD Roqunuzzaman Sojib
Graduate Mentor: Sheikh Azizul Hakim
Supervisor: M. Saifur Rahman
MapEval: A Map-Based Evaluation of Geo-Spatial Reasoning in Foundation Models
MapQaTor: A System for Efficient Annotation of Map Query Datasets
Algorithm Engineering Course Term Project
MapQaTor: A System for Efficient Annotation of Map Query Datasets
Team: BUET_Arekta_Team
Position: 77th (7th in BUET)
Team: BUET_Arekta_Team
Position: 32nd (5th in BUET)
Thanks to all the viewers for reaching 10,000 views on my youtube channel.
MapEval: A Map-Based Evaluation of Geo-Spatial Reasoning in Foundation Models
MapQaTor: A System for Efficient Annotation of Map Query Datasets
A web app for the teachers of BUET Shahid Smrity Hall to manage their mess meal. The backend was built with NodeJS and ExpressJS, while the frontend was built with ReactJS. The database was managed using PostgreSQL.
Passed the Therap Javafest Online Screening Test. There was 22 MCQs. Time was allocated for each question separately. The questions was about Programming, Java, OOP, DSA and some Puzzles.
Fully responsive website made with Next JS. I have gathered all my memories and works of my undergraduate life.
A webapp made with Next JS and Node JS to ease the process of creating dataset with the help of Google Map API. It's a part of my thesis project.
Thanks to RISE for providing me with a full research grant for my thesis project. I will be working under Dr. Mohammed Eunus Ali with my thesis mate Tanvir Saad.
This was a part of CSE406 Project. A sample of Winnti malware was provided by my supervisor. A shared library object was provided. Using Radare2, I reverse engineered the malware and converted it to a C program. I also wrote a report on the malware. The report included the analysis of the malware, the reverse engineering process, and the conversion process.
Continuation of CSE326 Project. But this time we were a team of 3 members. I worked on both frontend and backend. Also, I managed the whole devops part. I used docker to containerize the website. Then hosted the container on Render.com. I also used Github Actions for CI/CD. I used ReactJS for frontend and NodeJS for backend. Used Tailwind CSS for styling. I also used ExpressJS for the backend. PostgreSQL was used as the database. I used Sequelize as the ORM. Database was hosted on Supabase.
We, Arekta_Team, have secured 20th position in Code Samurai 2024 Preliminary round. We had to build an api for a train platform and dockerize the app. My team mate Sayem Shahad Soummo worked on the database and api. I worked on some api end points and dockerizing the backend and database.I used docker-composer to create multiple containers.
The hardest term final of BUET. Glad to get a 4.00. Alhamdulillah.
Couldn't participate in the final for term final exams.
Team: BUET_Arekta_Team
Team: Shared IP User
Did some workshop and learnt basic about deep learning.
First team project which I managed. We had to design BPMN, Mock UI, Class Diagram, ERD, Sequence Diagram and Collaboration Diagram. And finally a demo website needed to be built within two weeks. The backend and database was done by me. I used NodeJS for backend and PostgreSQL for database. Also, I made the Tower of Hanoi canvas in frontend. Finally, frontend, backend and database was hosted on separately on render.com.
Team: yorichi_type_0
First onsite CTF contest. It was a whole new experience.
We solved 8/10 questions. Among which I solved 3 questions.
Simple C Compiler made with Flex and Bison throughout the course of CSE310.
Team: BUET_Greyhound
Members: Mahir Labib Dihan, Nazmus Sakib and Abir Muhtasim.
15 teams qualified for the Final round. In the final round there were 4 judges. 3 were teachers and 1 from industry. Based on their marking the final standings were decided. Ekta_Team was the only team from BUET to be in the top 3.
We were a team of 4 members. The theme was "It was not supposed to do that" which was published 1 week before submission deadline. We all were new to Godot game engine. We first learnt and then made the game within a week. I mainly designed the tiles, water body, health-battery bars, the main menu and the game over screen. Also, I designed some of the levels.
First Hardware offline. For me it was the hardest offline of my undergraduate life. We had to design a 4 bit ALU. I designed the whole logisim circuit. Also designed the circuit in TinkerCAD which greatly helped in Hardware implementation.
Seeing my 2-2 project "dEducation", Dr. Anindya Iqbal sir approached to work in his startup "Brainlytic". This was the first team I worked in and learnt so many things to tell.
Team: BUET_Stormbreaker
A two player game named "Steal the flag" was given. In this game, each player has 4 minions and a flag. Whoever steals the flag of opposition and comes back first, wins the game.
My first onsite contest.
After a long break, decided to continue competitive programming. Solved problem for 93 days straight. After some ups and downs, finally became expert.
Alhamdulillah. Hard work paid off.
Learnt modern openGL. Tried to rebuild my old game using openGL 4.5. Used libraries like GLFW, GLEW, GLM, Soil2(For texture), IrrKlang(For audio), Freetype(For font)
Decided to quit freelancing and focus on Academia. From now on, I only worked on projects that are related to Academics.
Finally had enough time to build a website from scratch. I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create this website. For database I used firebase Firestore Database. Where I basically stored my projects' details. I also added google analytics to track the website's traffic. I also added a contact form, where I used emailjs to send emails from the website. Hosted the website on Github Pages.
Introducing a dynamic Football Player Database System built with JavaFX, revolutionizing the way football teams manage their rosters. Leveraging the power of socket programming, this system facilitates seamless communication between multiple instances, empowering users to efficiently maintain player databases and conduct transfers between Premier League teams.
This is a typing game. Where you need type a word, displayed on the screen, before ball hits it.
Worked on 30+ OpenGL Projects. Mostly 2D games and simulations. Also worked on some C++, Java and Python projects. In my journey with Fiverr, I learnt how crucial it is to understand the requirements of client.
A 3D rotating sphere made using OpenGL in C++. This sphere is manually created without using any primitives. The sphere can be changed to different shapes.
A basic platformer game, where player need to collect coins and avoid enemies. It has multiple levels.
The only 3D game I made. It's a puzzle game. The player needs to push the boxes to the target location. The player can move in 4 directions. The game has multiple levels.
After doing assignments of my sister and some friends, I decided to give it a try on Fiverr. I started with gigs of my OpenGL projects.
Made a calculator using Android Studio(Java). It looks like an ordinary calculator. But it has some special features. It can be used to make a call or send messages. It can also be used as a stopwatch, timer, counter, alarm clock. You can also send messages to a WhatsApp number without saving the number.
Got to know about Lissajous figure from Physics course. Wanted to visualize it.
Explored Pygame library and made a simple tennis game with both single player and double player mode. In single player mode, the player plays against the computer. The computer always moves towards the ball.
First game that I made using OpenGL. This was a term project of CSE102. Three games where divided among 120 students. Pacman, Catch the egg and DxBall. I got DxBall.
First app using OpenGL. This was an offline of CSE102. We were provided with iGraphics.h which was a wrapper over OpenGL. We had to draw some curves using the functions provided in iGraphics.h.
A C++ code to handle big decimal numbers like Java BigDecimal Class. More time consuming than BigDecimal but better functionality and Accuracy.The idea behind the working of this program is that using the traditional method for adding,subdtracting,multiplying numbers, the same method we used in primary classes. And the number is so large that it has been stored in string in the form of separate digits.It can calculate until the total digit of the result is <= string::max_size().
Created a wrapper class String over std::string with extra methods. And took an instance of String in BigDecimal Class.
A C++ version of the famous Chrome Dino game. Used C++ graphics library to make this game.
Get to know about github pages. So, I made a website using the template https://html5up.net/landed and made necessary changes. Which then I hosted on mahirlabibidihan.github.io.
After 2 months of continuous practice, I became specialist in Codeforces. Used C language to solve problems. Then shifted to C++.
60 short questions needed to be answered. 20 from Math, 20 from Physics and 20 from Chemistry. I answered 50+ questions. The admission test was on 14th October.
In the admission test, 50 MCQs needed to be answered in 30 minutes. After that a viva was taken. Where I was asked about my SSC result and why I missed A+ in Bangla. Also, I was asked about my hobbies and my residence.