
Major Projects

Bits Unplugged | Interactive CS Learning Platform

Continuation of CSE326 Project. But this time we were a team of 3 members. I worked on both frontend and backend. Also, I managed the whole devops part. I used docker to containerize the website. Then hosted the container on I also used Github Actions for CI/CD. I used ReactJS for frontend and NodeJS for backend. Used Tailwind CSS for styling. I also used ExpressJS for the backend. PostgreSQL was used as the database. I used Sequelize as the ORM. Database was hosted on Supabase.
Supervisor: Hasibul Hasan
DockerGithub ActionsTailwind CSSSequelizePostgreSQLSupabaseReact JSNode JSExpress

Deducation | Tution and Coaching management system

Supervisor: Khaled Mahmud Shahriar
React JSNode JSExpress JSOraclePL/SQL

DxBall | OpenGL 4.5


CSE108 Term Project: Football Player Database System

JavaFXJFoenixSocket ProgrammingScene Builder

Diculator | More than a Calculator | Android App

Android StudioJavaXML

Genos - Submission for GameJam 2022

Godot 3.5.1GDScriptGameJam

Platformer game | OpenGL 4.5

For client
OpenGL 4.5Platformer Game

C Compiler using Flex and Bison


Reverse Engineered Winnti Malware using Radare2

This was a part of CSE406 Project. A sample of Winnti malware was provided by my supervisor. A shared library object was provided. Using Radare2, I reverse engineered the malware and converted it to a C program. I also wrote a report on the malware. The report included the analysis of the malware, the reverse engineering process, and the conversion process.
Radare2GhidraWinnti MalwareReverse EngineeringLD Preload

Minor Projects